Ok, I decided to write a short JC/Justin tale tonight too. Of course, I've left an ending to where it can be added on to if I get a good response. Enjoy! You know the drill: Don't like boys n boys, don't read. Too young, don't read. I don't think any members of *NSYNC are gay, it's just fun to pretend.. Getting Leid by C. Williams The members of *NSYNC were ecstatic. Finally, they were taking a vacation to Hawaii for New Years. JC, Justin, and Chris, along with their guests, were leaving on the 27th of December with Joey and Lance flying in on the 28th. They were all at the terminal waiting for their private jet to finish preparations to leave. "I'm gonna get LEID!!!!" a high pitched voice yelled as Chris ran through the terminal and slammed right into Justin. "Yeah, I'm sure you are old man…where's your girlfriend again? Oh yeah, right there!" Justin replied pointing to a pretty blond with a scowl on her face. Chris sulked away from a laughing Justin muttering "I was just playing honey…you know, LEI, like the flower thing…" "Getting laid is something I wouldn't mind on this trip." A voice spoke up from behind Justin, startling him. He turned to see JC with a smirk on his face, looking him up and down. Justin blushed at the attention the older man seemed to pay him. "Um, well, ya know, I hope you do to…I know I would like that…I mean, not with you, I mean getting laid…nevermind." The young man stuttered before walking quickly towards to the plane. Why does JC have to do this to him? He thought as he got closer to the plane. It was almost as if he knew Justin was attracted to him and purposely teased him. He looked back at JC, only to have him wink at him and pull on his sunglasses. Man, he was sexy and he knew it. It drove Justin crazy to constantly be around such a sexual man and do nothing about it. JC only made things worse by affectionately touching his back or knee and even flirting with him when they were alone. It took all Justin had not to give in and tell JC he was driving him to the point of insanity with his constant games. JC watched Justin walk away nervously and smiled to himself. He knew Justin had a crush on him and fully intended on making him come to terms with it on this trip. He was attracted to Justin as well but chose to tease the younger man with his flirtations. He would make Justin accept it if it killed him. "Ok, guys, time to board the plane!" Johnny yelled. Justin had already boarded the jet and gotten himself a seat towards the back, hoping to avoid everyone else and catch a few z's on the flight. "Is this seat taken?" Justin looked up to see a grinning JC pointing to the seat right next to his. "Um, no, you can sit here if you want. I won't be good company, I was planning on sleeping most of the way and finishing up some lyrics I've been working on." Justin hoped JC took this as a sign to sit somewhere else. "Hey, that's no problem, I was planning on doing some sleeping myself. We could sleep together." Justin's head shot up and looked at JC, startled. "What?!" "Boy, do you have a dirty mind young man…I was referring to actual sleep…but we could try the other if that would suit you better." JC replied, making Justin's face turn a bright shade of pink. Was he coming on to him? Justin wondered. He chose to ignore the statement and placed his hat on top of his head, a signal that he was trying to go to sleep. After a few minutes he felt the hat being pulled off of his head and fingers running through his curls. "You know, Justin, you really shouldn't hide your hair…it's one the features I love about you." JC continued to talk as Justin stiffened, in more ways than one. He leaned over closer to Justin's ear and whispered "I always wanted to play with your hair, to run my fingers through it," and leaned over and kissed a curl right behind Justin's ear "and to kiss it." Justin felt a shiver run up his spine as his best friend continued to kiss the back of his neck, still running his fingers through his hair. He gasped when he felt JC's hand moving down his body to his lap, where he began massaging his erection through his pants. "JC, what are you doing? What if somebody sees us?" Justin whimpered as he felt JC bite into his ear. "No one will see us Justin, don't worry. We're all the way in the back and everyone else is up in front." JC continued his trail of kisses to Justin's neck, his Adam's apple, and to his clothed chest. "Let's not get too comfortable here, we would hate for anyone to get suspicious now wouldn't we?" Justin nodded, unable to speak. JC unbuckled his belt and undid his pants, pulling Justin's package out of his pants. Justin was unprepared for the initial shock of feeling JC's mouth over him, and let a little moan slip out. "Shh…just pretend like your sleeping Justin." JC bent back down to take him in his mouth again and started slowly sucking, moving up and down in a nice flow. Justin clenched his hands on the armrests and shut his eyes because the sight of JC going down on him would be too much to take at once. He was already close to finishing as it is. "JC…oh my…you're gonna make me…oooohhhhh" he moaned again as JC began sucking harder, never letting up or slowing his pace any. "JC…I'm about to ccccooome…" Justin whimpered, giving JC more fuel to finish his job. JC knew what was coming when Justin let out a little yelp and slammed his head against the back of his seat. He felt Justin grab his hair to push him down farther and faster until he finally exploded in JC's mouth, letting a small sigh escape his lips. JC finally sat up and looked at Justin with a smug grin on his face. "Did you like that J?" His grin soon vanished when Justin grabbed his shirt and pushed him into his seat. "I think the question should be JC, did YOU like that?" JC was surprised by the forwardness Justin had acquired. He leaned over on JC, leaving soft, sexy kisses all over his face and neck before looking into his eyes. "Do you want me too JC?" JC nodded and whispered "Yes, Justin, I want you…NOW." Justin liked the answer, leaning in to kiss JC on the lips, taking his bottom lip in his mouth and sucking it before letting his tongue venture into JC's mouth. Both men were so involved in the kiss that they didn't hear the announcement over the speakers saying they were about to land and all passengers needed to put on their seat belts. The plane came down hard, knocking the boys over to where Justin was lying on top of JC and could feel his erection rubbing against his new one. They both scrambled up and attempted to compose themselves and straighten their clothes before standing up to join the rest of the crew at the front of the jet. "I'll deal with you later" Justin whispered to JC before walking ahead of him. When they stepped off of the plane, they were automatically greeted with women holding Leis. They each got "leid" and walked over to a van that was taking them to their hotel. Justin and JC were the last ones to board the van, and Justin pinched JC's butt while he was trying to get into his seat. JC jumped and rushed to his seat, looking around nervously. Justin confidently sat down next to him. "I think this is gonna be a great vacation, don't y'all?" He turned to look at JC and asked "You plan on getting laid during the trip C?" The whole van giggled and Chris shouted "We already got leid! Hehe!" JC leaned over to whisper in Justin's ear "I'd bet money on it. This will be a good vacation indeed." Did you like it? This is my second story, so I'm still kinda new at all this. Cor